Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Why hello there holiday cookie!
Happy Halloween everyone! In celebration of this holiday, I decided to dedicate a blog post to this ghoulish day.
First of all, I would like to announce that even though I am a bustling college student, I still was able to find time to participate in some holiday festivities.
One of the things I did to celebrate this frightful day was volunteered at a Halloween carnival a few weekends this October at a local amusement park. Since I live in an apartment with no trick-or-treaters, this was as close to it as I was going to get. My roommate and I got all dressed up, got into the amusement park for free, and passed out candy to little kids! Although not all of them were dressed up like they would be on actual Halloween, it was still a lot of fun!
Next, the weekend of Halloween, I carved a pumpkin! I was so excited and I think it turned out quite well! The only negative to my carving was the giant gash I got on my finger. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I did somehow give myself a massive blister while carving that amazing pumpkin. Oh well, all in the spirit of the holidays.
My ghost pumpkin!

Along with our festive pumpkins, my roommate and I were able to decorate our apartment a little bit for Halloween. My mom donated to the decoration efforts and gave me adorable light up ghosts and a light up pumpkin. I must say, they’re my favorite decorations. J My roommate had some fall decorations as well so we had them up in the apartment as well. We also have a lovely bowl of candy corn on the coffee table which may or may not be the healthiest of ideas.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t do anything too holiday oriented on actual Halloween. Partly of it was because it was a school night and partly because I had three papers and two exams to study for. Hooray for being a student! My roommate did go out and treat ourselves to desserts at a local restaurant though. What could be sweeter?
Now that Halloween is gone, the countdown begins to my favorite holiday of the year… CHRISTMAS! I’m sorry to rush by you, Halloween, but you do not compare to that joyous holiday.
Until next time!

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